Report Abuse, Spam / Commercial Email

We, as part of our automated affiliate program rules, prohibit the sending of commercial emails and other promotional methods that may violate applicable law and/or otherwise be inappropriate. You can help us. If you have received any form of promotion about which you would like to advise us, please contact us immediately using the form below so that we can investigate it and take further action, if necessary. Thank you.

Your Details

* Indicates Required Field.

Your Name:  *
Your Email Address:  *
Security Code:
Enter the code above:  *

Spam Details

In the field below, please paste the entire source code of the spam you received. For outlook Express, this can be done by following these steps
  1. open the email message
  2. Click on File at the top of your email client
  3. When the drop down menu appears, click on Properties
  4. A Pop-up window will appear with two tabs at the top, choose Details
  5. At the bottom of the details windo, click on the Message Source Button
  6. In the message source pop-up, right click and choose Select All from the meny that appears
  7. Right Click again and choose Copy
  8. Come back to this page and right click in the field below and choose Paste
If you are unable to copy the source code of the email please at least copy the link that is directing people to the website, this can be accomplished by right clicking on the link, or linked image, and choosing Copy Shortcut, then right clicking in the field above and choosing paste.


Please enter any comments or additional information in the field below.
Remember, we can only determine who is sending out these emails if you provide us with the correct information. So, for a timely and satisfactory resolution, please try to be as complete and accurate with respect to the information you provide.